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Showing 1591 - 1620 of 1692 comments
Silverbeet (also Swiss Chard or Mangold) 31 May, Chris (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
Swiss Chard _is_ Silverbeet - exactly the same plant.
Asparagus 01 May, Sue (USA - Zone 5a climate)
Hi. Just wondering if my asparagus from last year shouldn't be up (visible) by now... It grew successfully last year from seed, (had 2 foot ferns) and even one or two edible stalks..(First year) Expected them to be great this season, but...I'm worried as there is no sign of them... Hope they didn't die... How can I check? I'm in zone 5. Nova Scotia. Its been a cold spring up until this week. Do you think they are dead?
Asparagus 04 Jun, Lucy (USA - Zone 4a climate)
My asparagus came up a few weeks ago. I was told that you shouldn’t eat asparagus until the 3rd season. Then only cut off the ones that are thicker and cut it close to the ground.
Cape Gooseberry (also Golden Berry, Inca Berry ) 24 Apr, Jennifer Sandler (USA - Zone 5a climate)
Can anyone tell me how and where I can get the Cape berries in the United states? Is it possible to buy the plant? Thanks, Jennifer
Cape Gooseberry (also Golden Berry, Inca Berry ) 01 Jun, Mike (USA - Zone 9b climate)
I bought mine off of eBay. Just make sure you are buying from a seller with good reviews.
Cape Gooseberry (also Golden Berry, Inca Berry ) 29 Jan, Christie (USA - Zone 6b climate)
You can get the package of dried ones at health food stores like natural grocers, whole foods, trader joes, etc and pick out the seeds (very easy to do as they are loaded with them) and plant them.
Cape Gooseberry (also Golden Berry, Inca Berry ) 12 Apr, ROY BRYANT (USA - Zone 7a climate)
I am planting Cape Gooseberry plants in Central new Jersey, My question is: After growing all summer will they survive the winter?
Cape Gooseberry (also Golden Berry, Inca Berry ) 10 Nov, Anson (USA - Zone 5a climate)
Roy, They will not survive the winter. Physalsis peruviana will die if the temperature falls below 30 degrees F. It roots easily from cuttings, though, which allows you to bring plants indoors for winter, and is easy to grow from seed. -Anson
Cape Gooseberry (also Golden Berry, Inca Berry ) 10 Apr, Joanne (USA - Zone 8a climate)
Will gooseberries grow for me in the Sacramento valley of California? Would they prefer sun or shade? Thank you!
Cape Gooseberry (also Golden Berry, Inca Berry ) 10 Nov, Anson (USA - Zone 5a climate)
Joanne, Cape gooseberries will thrive in the Sacramento Valley. They prefer full sun. -Anson
Yam/Oca (also Oka) 08 Apr, Billye Timbes (USA - Zone 8a climate)
I bought 1 or 2 little plants last summer & planted them on a little hilled bed. The plants died down but I left them as they were until last week when I noticed parts of tubers sticking out of the soft ground. I dug around & there are lots of them, some of them sprouting already (April 7). I left a few to grow again but I harvested several quarts of tubers. The slugs had nibbled some of them but most look healthy. Portland OR. no work, no trouble.
Yam/Oca (also Oka) 28 Feb, Glenda (USA - Zone 5a climate)
Where can I get plants or seeds to grow Oca in NY State Glenda
Rosella (also Queensland Jam Plant, Roselle) 23 Feb, r.e. corker (USA - Zone 7a climate)
rosella can be ordered at the following website
Potato 25 Jan, Donna (USA - Zone 8a climate)
Can sweet potatoes grow successfully in my area?
Yacon (also Sunroot) 22 Jan, Roberta (USA - Zone 8b climate)
Like growing a potato plant, as the yakon grows, can I continue adding dirt to the container? And I have a whole new plant sprouting off the trunk of my yakon. Is this normal? Thank you.
Yacon (also Sunroot) 10 Mar, GJX (USA - Zone 5a climate)
yes it is normal
Cape Gooseberry (also Golden Berry, Inca Berry ) 05 Dec, Deb Reid (Australia - temperate climate)
How you do eradicate the 3-lined Lema beetle which attacks the leaves and stresses the plant at all 3 stages of its life please?
Chives (also Garden chives) 04 Nov, (USA - Zone 5b climate)
How far do you cut the flowers on the chives.
Florence Fennel (also Finocchio) 26 Aug, Morris Lemire (Canada - Zone 4b Temperate Warm Summer climate)
Hello, I live in Edmonton. At our community garden, we are trying to grow Florence Fennel. The plant is healthy, with fronds a metre high, but it is not forming a bulb. The root is ten centimetres long. If we cover it to get over the early threat of frost, which is often a risk in early September, we may get warm and sunny days trough to October. Is there anything we can do encourage the plant to form a bulb? Thank you for taking our question. Morris
Celery 23 Aug, Wilma Brown (USA - Zone 5b climate)
T.his years celery was too large, and not as tender.I looked but could not find the light color I like.
Broccoli 21 Aug, Deanna (USA - Zone 9b climate)
I have fabulous success with broccoli year after year. I have a couple of tips that help prevent/delay bolting and a question. Tips: Keep broccoli moist. Never let it dry, especially during warmer weather. To retain moisture and drastically reduce weeds, use a heavy mulch. I use hay and I add a layer as soon as the bottom layer starts to break down. One bale of hay will mulch about 100' sq and costs about five bucks. I grow my broccoli with collards, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots and onions during the cooler weather and with whatever survives, pops up or I get around to planting (cause we have 5 growing seasons here). Now the question: Although I can grow broccoli that's so green it's blue, is 4' tall and 6' around and produces side shoots for three husband HATES the variety! I'm aware of the difference in the flavor of this particular variety (Waltham 29). It has an extremely dense taste, similar to asparagus, which I love, but Eddie refuses to eat it so it's pointless to grow it! Any suggestions on a heading variety (heat tolerant) that's more like the market variety? I collect my seed, so I try to find heirlooms, open pollenated.
Broccoli 24 May, Deniza (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Hello Deanna, I am going to start gardening for the first time this year in zone 9B. I am looking at August as the time I can get anything in the soil. Would you be willing to mentor me? If so, please reply to this post. Thank you for considering my request.
Broccoli 10 Mar, GJX (USA - Zone 5a climate)
Deanna, 9b should be toward California. Try these: Hybrids such as Italian green type also called green sprouting broccoli or calabrese These types take from 75 to 140 days to grow once in the ground too the table.
Onion 05 Jun, peggy (USA - Zone 5a climate)
for a better onion do you fold over the tops of the onions when they get tall
Onion 10 Mar, GJX (USA - Zone 5a climate)
yes, this causes the bulb to get bigger
Cucumber 17 May, Andy (USA - Zone 8b climate)
The only issue is when planting them too close together. They will compete heavily for nutrients and moisture. they are both very heavy feeders .. as a result quality/ flavor could suffer.
Broccoli 08 May, Linda (USA - Zone 7a climate)
Hi I live in new jersey. I cant seem to grow Broccoli. I tried two years and no good. The plants goes to seed every time. Please if you can write me back. I really dont know whats going on. Thank you Linda
Broccoli 10 Mar, GJX (USA - Zone 5a climate)
Keep well-watered as seedlings. If left without water they will bolt to seed and be inedible. The plants should grow to develop plenty of large healthy leaves, then the green flowerheads follow, which are cut for eating. Leave the plant growing after cutting the main flowerhead, and get additional crops from the sideshoots which will develop. This cool-season crop grows best when daytime temperatures are in the 60s F. Grow in both spring and fall, but avoid mid-summer crops as hot weather can cause premature bolting.
Angelica 07 May, Ronald E. Bequeath (USA - Zone 5a climate)
I have found a plant near my wetlands that is over six feet tall and has all the chaaracteristics of the Angelica plant 1. how can I be sure it is angelica and not a poisonous relative and 2. Can I transplant the plant or is it better to plant only seeds?
Angelica 02 Mar, Larry Mac (USA - Zone 6a climate)
Can you cut a small sample that is representative of the whole plant and take it to the local county extension service. They should be able to identify for you.
Showing 1591 - 1620 of 1692 comments
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