21 Apr 20 KATHRYN SMITH (Australia - tropical climate)
Problem growing Beans of any sort.. Dying just after one inch tall. Well watered once a day in the middle of the day when plants start to stress and getting second set of leaves.. Can it be too hot or is there a fungis in my soil? What can I treat the soil with? Planted Snake beans but only a few came up. Not growing really well. Climbing beans not producing beans Have been using Blood and Bone and Seasol. Grew Marigolds in the bed last year.
Hi Kathryn, I live in North Queensland and was having the exact same problem! Tried growing climbing beans in three different areas of the garden , sunny during April/May, all sprouted fine and then died after 2 or so weeks. Watered well. Some say fertilise, others don’t. Some say water well, others don’t. I should try growing them again now but a little hesitant. Did you end up getting a crop?
Just wondering if you could be experiencing an ant problem? So ants here in the tropics, especially ginger ants actually attack seedling and plants above and below the ground. They are very small and some times not so easy to detect. Just a thought from past experience similar to your problem. I didn't suspect them at first thinking they were just looking for insects but in fact they are eating/sucking the life out of my plants. In my case I used a product called Amdro at the nest site.
When planting beans, wet the soil the day before planting them. Then plant them and cover over with soil. Do not water again for 4 days unless it is very hot. After 4 days give a very light watering if the surface soil looks dry. They should germinate within a few days. Little plants need little waterings. Good idea to water in the morning.
I don't grow them in the autumn, I grow them in the spring. The bean fly gets them this time of the year. Was told to put boron in the soil before planting.
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We cannot help if you are overrun by giant slugs.