Growing Carrot

Daucus carota : Apiaceae / the umbelliferae family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
    P P P P P          

(Best months for growing Carrot in USA - Zone 5a regions)

  • P = Sow seed
  • Easy to grow. Sow in garden. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 46°F and 86°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 2 - 12 inches apart
  • Harvest in 12-18 weeks.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Onions, Leeks, Lettuce, Sage, Peas, Radishes, Tomatoes, Beans, Celery, Rosemary
  • Avoid growing close to: Parsnips, Beetroot, Dill, Brassicas, Fennel

Your comments and tips

27 Sep 14, Glen (Australia - temperate climate)
My first crop of carrots in new beds (soil plus a lot of mushroom compost, mixed by the supplier) has a lot of foliage and carrots ranging from too big to still getting there but they are all quite pale. The cross section shows a ring of pale orange, a small ring of pale yellow with a core of a colour in between. The seeds were 'All Season'. I have never had a problem with carrots before, and I hope someone can guide me as to the problem.
19 Jan 15, Ferran (Australia - temperate climate)
Hi Glen, The mushroom compost sounds like it has provided too much nitrogen. Root vegetables don’t like too much nitrogen as it promotes leafy growth and stunts the root. Plant carrots and other root vegetables after the heavy feeders (leafy and fruiting vegetable). You may find it useful researching the "four bed rotation system" Carrot tops are edible and can be used in cooking, the internet has a plethora of recipes. I hope this helps for next time - Ferran
04 Sep 14, Dee-Jay (Australia - temperate climate)
Is there an ideal type or brand of carrot to plant in temperate western Melbourne?
15 Aug 14, Andy (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Phosphorous and potash, but if your soil is already good (A light soil not containing as little clay as possible) you will only need to apply a normal amount of this a couple of times during the growing season. Keep nitrogen to a minimum as this will encourage the plant to put its energy into making leaves rather then the actual carrot.
14 Aug 14, mpfu (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
what fertilizers needed to grow carrot
23 Jul 14, Teboho Mohai (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
Hi,what kind of organic manure needed to produce more quality and good looking carrots?
05 Jul 14, Brian (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
I have found the only way to grow carrots is to plant seeds direct into the ground. I have found the tape seeded carrots have worked very well. Planting from punnets the main root gets distorted when planting, thus you end up with distorted carrots, good luck.
29 Apr 14, dave fergusson (Australia - temperate climate)
I seem to be able to grow just about anything in my raised garden bed in Sth of Perth except good carrots. They alway start of well with the thinnings then the ones left tend to go 'hairy', lots of rootlets forming, ribbing & callouses on their lower half! Any one know why?
19 Jun 14, Glen (Australia - tropical climate)
Sounds like you have root knot nematodes Dave either water well prior to planting with molasses 2 tbsp. to the lt water or the easiest way a hand full of sugar to the meter length and mix in, leave for a couple of days prior to planting a must for tomatoes and all other vegies susceptible to nematode........
31 Mar 14, SAPPHIRA (Australia - temperate climate)
Culinary hints - cooking and eating Carrot Steamed or raw carrots are tasty. Cook them in a small amount of water until nearly dry then add a pat of butter and teasp of brown sugar to glaze. They can be added to most casserole-type dishes. Grate raw carrots and add to salads
Showing 201 - 210 of 371 comments

A fertiliser low in N, too much N and you end up growing a lot of leaf. A good idea is to put your fertiliser in the soil a week or so before planting and mix it in/over a few times and watering it each time, this allows the micro- organisms in the soil to convert it into usable nutrient. Check the N P K of the fert. Some organics are real low say 1.8%N, rooster booster is about 4%N. A handful or two of that spread over a square metre. All depends what the soil was like before you started.

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