Growing Choko/Chayote, also Chayote squash, christophene, chouchou, mirliton

Sechium edule : Cucurbitaceae / the gourd family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec

Not recommended for growing in USA - Zone 5a regions

  • Easy to grow. Plant whole mature fruit when one produces a shoot at one end.. Best planted at soil temperatures between 59°F and 86°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 39 inches apart
  • Harvest in 17-25 weeks. Best when fruit is light green and not more than 6 cm long.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Cucumbers

Your comments and tips

17 Jan 12, michael (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
i was just wondering how you went with the growing of chokos in the Hobart area, as i live here and would like to grow some as we can not find a green grocer that sells them . they all say that they have had them in the past but no longer . We have been told by nutritionist that they would be good for our daughter who has so many in-tolerances it isn't funny. Any help would be great
25 Jan 24, Tania (Australia - temperate climate)
Hi Michael, just wondering if your daughter managed to resolve her food intolerances? I have some information which may help her greatly! Feel free to get in touch. Regards, Tania
09 Apr 12, Chris (Australia - temperate climate)
if anyone wants awesome green Choko to grow just email me and will send you a sprouter for free (you pay postage) use choko as subject line
17 Oct 15, A Nelson (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
I am attempting to get a food forest going in my back garden up in the Tamar Valley area. It is relatively protected from winds by big trees and good sun. I really like chokos and am interested in growing them...are you still sending out sprouted seeds? By any chance would you know where I might find cold tolerant lady finger bananas, ichigo or hokowase strawberries and cranberries? Would love to give these a try. Thanks for your help! Cheers
03 Dec 10, Howard mcKinnon (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
I want to know where to plant a Choko after all the information on your site and other sites no where does it say if it is planted in sun, shade part shade etc.
05 Dec 10, Chris (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
We've had lots of choko vines over the years, running along the fenceline in full sun.
28 Sep 10, m.evans (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
I live in Canberra and would love to grow a choko vine, can yougive me some clues
26 Jul 10, Gracie Camilleri (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
Have a choko that has a shoot. Would like to know how to plant it. Shoot up? or do I bury the whole choko? Await your advise.
28 Sep 10, Kolwin (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Do not bury it whole...leave the shoot up. ensure the base of the shoot is touching some soil at least
26 Jul 10, (New Zealand - temperate climate)
The info about planting is on the choko page. Click on the Vegetables and Herbs tab and then click on Choko .
Showing 261 - 270 of 270 comments

Can i grow chokos in Cairns in a pot do i need two ive planted them in a pot using potting mix do i have to water them Thank you

- Gordon

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