I have been growing ginger successfully in a planter box for 5 years now since I downsized to an apartment in Sydney.
I started with cutting off part of store bought ginger with buds and plant in the planter box early Spring. With filtered sun and water they soon grew lot of leaves.
I harvest the ginger once a year in winter when the leaves turned yellow and dried. Cut off the rhizome and bury the smaller ones back to the planter box. By next spring they will re-shoot again. I do sometimes pull one plant out (when I need it) and cut off a chunk off the rhizome then place the rest of the plant back to the plant box, cover with soil. The ginger harvested before maturity has milder flavor.
John I feel as long as they have plenty of soil and water. I grow mine in a double bucket arrangement and I do better than a guy up in budrem in the ground. I get about 1.4 to 1.9 kgs per bucket hope this helps. Gary P.s. I'm on Mid Nth Coast region.
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