Growing Ginger

Zingiber Officinale : Zingiberaceae / the ginger family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec

Not recommended for growing in USA - Zone 5a regions

  • Plant pieces of fresh root showing signs of shoots. Best planted at soil temperatures between 68°F and 86°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 6 inches apart
  • Harvest in approximately 25 weeks. Reduce water as plant dies back to encourage rhizome growth.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Grow in separate bed

Your comments and tips

22 Nov 18, Rudolph Snyman (South Africa - Semi-arid climate)
I planted ginger in spring and watered them maybe once a week sometimes every second week in well drained soil with compost and bonemeal and some guano pellets. All my rhizomes rot. I planted a second time and its a month later and still no sign of my ginger growing. Can somebody please tell me why? I bought my rhizomes from the local vegetable market
12 Feb 19, Margs (South Africa - Dry summer sub-tropical climate)
I planted ginger from PnPay and put it in the ground which is mulched from the trees above it. I forgot about it for months until I saw this weird dark green shoot next to the baby palm. I was transplanting the palm and found my ginger! Maybe just don't water it if there's deep mulch above it? Winter rainfall area.
20 Jan 19, Sandy Murray (South Africa - Dry summer sub-tropical climate)
Hello I have done the same. All the books say we should not get it from a local shop related but "natural " supplier if you find one please let me know! XXX
31 Oct 18, Adriaan Le Roux (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
Looking for ginger seed somewhere in South Africa
26 Oct 18, Andrisa Schnell (South Africa - Humid sub-tropical climate)
Where can I buy ginger roots
20 Jul 19, Ismail (South Africa - Humid sub-tropical climate)
Try the shongweni farmers market or store stocking local produce
29 Oct 18, Bernadette (South Africa - Semi-arid climate)
Any supermarket.
30 Sep 18, Omitton (South Africa - Semi-arid climate)
Actually am from Malawi am in searching of Ginger and Garlic seeds if possible to find it or is there any other way to find it or where can I find it? please contact me 0744720640
26 Sep 18, Annette Kaye (New Zealand - sub-tropical climate)
I have grown ginger successfully for 10 years now. I started when a piece from the supermarket sprouted and so I planted it in the garden. It does extremely well here - in fact it is a pest and grows wild. My question is, the ginger I grow is not as hot as the ginger I buy. It is very mild. Why is that?
13 Oct 18, John (New Zealand - sub-tropical climate)
Your older dried ginger is not as spicy? or are you comparing young ginger which is mild compared to older dried ginger? In Thailand you get dishes with fresh young ginger stir fried as a vegetable as it is nice and mild and not fibrous.
Showing 241 - 250 of 489 comments

You can start it inside. Check you tube, many videos. The rusted gardener has one, in bags on top of the fridge by see video for details. I tried some just in seed started but they didn’t sprout so about to do it in the bag method. Then pot up and outside after frost.

- Janet F

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