Growing Choko/Chayote, also Chayote squash, christophene, chouchou, mirliton

Sechium edule : Cucurbitaceae / the gourd family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec

Not recommended for growing in USA - Zone 5a regions

  • Easy to grow. Plant whole mature fruit when one produces a shoot at one end.. Best planted at soil temperatures between 59°F and 86°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 39 inches apart
  • Harvest in 17-25 weeks. Best when fruit is light green and not more than 6 cm long.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Cucumbers

Your comments and tips

21 Jun 20, Jaco (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
What kind of soil and nutrition do choko need.?What kind of root system do it have depth of ground ext
22 Jun 20, Anonymous (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
I suggest you do some research on the internet about soil for gardening. Preparing soil takes a few weeks or months before planting. If you prepare your soil properly you add compost and even manure to it 2-3 months before planting. Dig soil 250-300mm deep.
11 May 20, Lea Doolan (Australia - tropical climate)
why do leaves on a helathy choko curl,,the fruit doesn't seem affected..
12 May 20, anon (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Try an agronomist at a farming agency.
08 May 20, Trevor McPherson (Australia - temperate climate)
Do choko have a white sap it grows rampant i treat is a weed.
25 May 20, Tonyw (Australia - temperate climate)
Sounds like moth weed which is climbing pest
11 May 20, Anonymous (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Look on the internet to see if the leaves are the same. Or is it bearing fruit. Could be sweet potato?????
26 Jan 20, Maureen Po (Australia - temperate climate)
I am having the same problem Growing well all new leaves are curling inwards. I have treated for mites but I haven’t seen anything on the leaves. Anyone have any advise?
27 Jan 20, (Australia - temperate climate)
You could have a virus. Is the plant stunted?
18 Nov 19, Marlene (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Growers food markets are a good place to source chokos. Facebook also has localised growers sites. I've given many sprouted chokos away as there is only so many you can eat - they are so prolific. Have some at the moment if you live in the Clarence Valley.
Showing 71 - 80 of 270 comments

I suggest you do some research on the internet about soil for gardening. Preparing soil takes a few weeks or months before planting. If you prepare your soil properly you add compost and even manure to it 2-3 months before planting. Dig soil 250-300mm deep.

- Anonymous

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